Neuroscents: New fragrance trend for 2024

One of the new trends in fragrances for 2024 is Neuroscents 🧠

Charlotte Tilbury Beauty has just released a line of neuroscents, and Caftari has partnered with leading neuroscientist Dr Tara Swart Bieber. Even L'Oréal teamed up with neuroscience companies like EMOTIV to measure brain waves (EEG) in response to scents.

So, what are Neuroscents? 💡

Neuroscents are fragrances designed in line with their impact on the brain and nervous system.

🌊 By measuring brainwave responses, new technology allows for bespoke fragrances to be designed to enhance well-being. Leading fragrance house CPL Aromas conducts in-house lab research using EEG to develop their fragrances.

❣ Our sense of smell impacts the nervous system by activating brain areas such as the hypothalamus that regulate breathing and heart rate. Techniques like Heart Rate Variability (HRV) can measure scent's impact on the nervous system.

So what is the connection between smell, memory and emotion? 👉

While most senses go via a kind of roundabout (thalamus) in the brain where information is redirected, olfaction has a direct pathway from the top of the nose (olfactory bulb) to the brain's emotion and memory centres (limbic system) having a strong impact on mood and memory.


Meditation: Like going to gym for your brain ?


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