Meditation: Like going to gym for your brain ?

Recently I’ve been thinking about the benefits of meditation for cognitive performance and well being.

🧠 Here are 3 benefits of meditation for the brain 🧠

✨ Strengthens memory capacity 👉 Regular meditation can help strengthen the ability to remember and learn by increasing grey matter density in the hippocampus, a critical brain area for memory retention and recall.

🧘‍♀️ Improves Emotional Regulation 👉 During meditation, increased activity in the prefrontal cortex, a key brain area active in decision-making and moderating social behaviour, and decreased activity in parts of the brain associated with anxiety (amygdala) can help improve our ability to regulate emotions.

🍃 Helps to regulate the Nervous System 👉 As with many mindfulness practices, meditation can help to promote relaxation and reduce stress by engaging the parasympathetic nervous system, regulating the bodies rest and digest response. Breathwork is especially effective for helping to reduce overproduction of the stress hormone, cortisol.



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