What role does Neuroaesthetics play in Experience Design?

As a field that crosses over neuroscience, creativity and the arts, Neuroaesthetics sits at the intersection between design and human experience.

Here are a few ways Neuroaesthetics can enhance Experience Design:

Spatial design - Spatial layout is subliminal for directing attention, helping people to feel comfortable in a space. By applying neuroaesthetic principles in form, shape, and light, spaces can be made to make spaces feel inclusive and clearly defined.

Emotional resonance -  Features like colour, contrast and light exposure can help to moderate moods and emotional valence in experience design.

Enhance memorability - Crafting unique brand associations and creating novel experiences to peak saliency (attention and noticeability).

Sensory impact - Enhancing sensory experience through scent, light, colour, audio can create all-encompassing experiences that drive impact and feelings of absorption through design.

Feelings of wellbeing in a space - Designing experiences that elicit a specific nervous system response can influence states of wellbeing.

One example of this I love is Random Studio’s collaboration with Nike, ‘BreathLab’.


Meditation: Like going to gym for your brain ?